Swine Influenza – Pandemic Response Plan

Subject  : Agency Pandemic Response Plan – (Swine Influenza)
There are media coverage on the outbreak of swine (pig) influenza in Mexico and other countries.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently monitoring the threat of flu pandemic. On 29
April, Ministry of Health (MOH) has raised the Disease Outbreak Response System (DORS-CON)
for Singapore to Yellow Alert Level (Limited human-to-human transmission outside Singapore,
which increases risk of a case being imported). 
It is important that every FSC is familiar with the Agency Pandemic Response Plan and be
prepared if a pandemic situation arise. As part of the pandemic response planning, Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) will be distributed. Each District will receive surgical masks and all
active agents will receive a digital thermometer for daily temperature check. 
If your temperature exceeds 37.5 degree celsius or feeling unwell, you are required to wear a
surgical mask and consult a doctor immediately.  You are also required to submit a Health
Declaration Form to the location agency office.  (The Health Declaration Form is attached to this
According to the pandemic response Yellow Alert Level, the Company will execute the following
• Display health advisory at location buildings.
• Set up entry control and temperature checkpoint for visitors.
• Implement appropriate response measures at Customer Service Centre.
We attached the FAQs on pandemic response and the Agency Pandemic Response Plan in this
memorandum for your attention. The Agency Business Continuation Planning (BCP) Team will
continue to update all agency leaders and FSCs if there is any change to the Corporate Pandem
Alert Level and the necessary required response.   ic
We seek your cooperation and stay healthy. 
Yours Sincerely, 
Chin Chung Wen
Vice President and Senior Director of Agencies

Pandemic Response Guide for Agency Force 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.   What is Swine Flu?
It is an acute respiratory disease, caused by influenza type A, which infects pigs. But the
underlying virus strain, H1N1, has mutated and now contains genetic material from swine, avian
and human strains.
2. How does it spread?
      Like regular flu, it spreads by touching infected objects and then touching the mouth or nose,
and through coughing or sneezing. Unlike the Sars virus, when a patient is most infectious four
or five days after symptoms show, the Swine Flu can be transmitted by someone who has yet to
show symptoms of the disease.
3.  What pre-cautionary measures should you take at this moment?
The U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and WHO have issued some
guidelines, which all of us should follow.
Everyday actions people can take to stay healthy.
4. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in
the trash after you use it. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not
your hands.
5. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-
based hand cleansers are also effective.
6. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
7. Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing by
infected people.
If you get sick, please stay at home in order to minimize contact with others.

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